1. Complementary Chapters of Mathematical Analysis (5 ECTS, 1st semestre)
2. Functional Analysis and its Applications (5 ECTS, 1st semestre)
3. Methods of Solving Ill-Posed Problems (4 ECTS, 3rd semestre)
4. LaTeX Soft (2 ECTS, 2nd semestre)
5. Mathematical Models (5 ECTS, 2nd semestre)
6. Methods of Optimization (5 ECTS, 2nd semestre)
7. Modern Methods of Visualization Data and Data Mining (3 ECTS, 3rd semestre)
8. Numerical Methods (6 ECTS, 2nd semestre)
9. Methods of Parallel Computing (3 ECTS, 3rd semestre)
10. Stochastic Modelling (5 ECTS, 1st semestre)