Stochastic Modelling

Level: Master

Semestre: 1st


Working Hours: 
- Contact: 32
- Seminars: 16
- Self-study: 132
- Total: 180

Language of Instruction: English (Russian)

Author of the Course: Serguei Pergamenchtchikov, Doctor of Science, Professor

Lecturers: Serguei Pergamenchtchikov, Doctor of Science, Professor
- Studying of the modern stochastic calculus and its application to the modeling of stochastic dynamical systems described by stochastic differential and stochastic difference equations;
- Application of the theory of measurable maps, measure theory and methods of analytic functions for the development of the basic concepts of the modern theory stochastic processes such as:
Conditional expectations and their applications in the theory of stochastic processes;
Stochastic basis and basic measurable structure;
Markov moments;
Random sets;
Random processes;
Stochastic integration.
Learning Outcomes:
To know: the basic principles of modern stochastic calculus;
To be able: to properly use the stochastic integration methods, perform correct limit transitions in the localization methods of stochastic processes by the stopping times;
To have: the skills to the limiting transitions under the sign of conditional expectations, the stopping times tool, the  stochastic integration methods.
Assessment Methods:
The current control of mastering the discipline includes two written test.
The final control – exam.