Animal Models in Research

Duration: 1 semester
Period: Spring (2) Semester
Credits: 2 ECTS
Contact Hours: 24
Hours: 72

Main Objectives

The course focuses on developing skills for modelling pathological states in animals for studying the physiology and pathology of the organs and systems.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of the course, a student must:

  • know: ethical and legal aspects of working with laboratory animals, features of physiology laboratory animals. Principles of experimental modeling of diseases.
  • be able to: apply appropriate skills in content feeding and prevention of diseases of laboratory animals. Design the experimental research
  • master: skills to create models of diseases on laboratory animals. Skills produce a detailed protocol of the experiment.


Vladimir Ivanov


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Course annotation

Animal Models in Research (2 European Credits)

Teachers: assoc. prof.  Vladimir Ivanov

The course focuses on developing skills for modelling pathological states in animals for studying the physiology and pathology of the organs and systems.

The module covers the following topics:

  • International recommendations of biomedical research performed on animals.
  • Ethical issues of work on experimental animals.
  • Animal welfare and feeding laboratory animals.
  • Physiology and animals diseases. Prevention of human diseases.
  • Design study. Choice of animals for experiments.
  • Simulation diseases on laboratory animals.

Learning objectives

As a result of the course, a student must:

  • know: ethical and legal aspects of working with laboratory animals, features of physiology laboratory animals. Principles of experimental modeling of diseases.
  • be able to: apply appropriate skills in content feeding and prevention of diseases of laboratory animals. Design the experimental research
  • master: skills to create models of diseases on laboratory animals. Skills produce a detailed protocol of the experiment.

Content of the module

The course focuses the principles of performing medical experiments using laboratory animals. Module is important for designing and conducting biomedical and medical research and helpful in designing and conducting preclinical trials of health care products and drugs.

The course includes the following sections:

Deontology and legal aspects of the experimentation, features of the structure and behavior laboratory animals, the development of experimental protocol, the proper care of laboratory animals, modeling of pathological processes in the medical experiment.

Special requirements: knowledge of the principles of biomedical data processing.

Overview of tasks and lectures

Course consist 6 two-hour lectures and 6 two-hour practical classes. Students practice provide for seminars on topics (4 seminars): ethical and legal aspects of working with experimental animals; anatomy and behavior of the experimental animals. 2 laboratory works (laboratory works) on the content of laboratory animals, modeling diseases in medical experiment.

Topics of lectures:

1.   Introduction. Overview of animal species frequently used in research.

2.   International recommendations for biomedical research involving live animals.

3.   Ethical aspects of the work with experimental animals.

4.   Conditions of detention, feeding, handling, fixation and injection of laboratory animals. Animal physiology and ethology.

5.   Anesthesia experimental animals. Acute, subacute and chronic experiments.

6.   Simulation oncological diseases and endocrine disorders diseases. Simulation of the immune response and infectious diseases in medical experiment.

Topic of seminars:

1. International recommendations for biomedical research. Deontology and legal aspects of the experimentation, features of the structure and behavior laboratory animals.

2. Modeling of pathological processes in the medical experiment, the development of experimental protocol.

3. Designing and conducting biomedical and medical research and conducting preclinical trials of health care products and drugs.

Topics of laboratory works:

1. Conditions of detention, feeding, handling, fixation and injection of laboratory animals. Anesthesia experimental animals.

2-3. Simulation endocrine disorders diseases: alloxan and streptozotocin models in diabetes research.

Position within the programme

This course in the program focuses on the planning of a medical experiment and modeling of diseases in laboratory animals. The knowledge and skills are relevant for the biomedical researchers and physicians, providing a basis for their practice.

Teaching format


The course is scheduled for second semester. The course involves 72 hours of study (2 ECTS), including 24 hours in the classroom. The length of the course is 8 weeks (6 lectures of two-hours and 4 seminars of two-hours and 2 laboratory works of two-hours. Lectures and seminars conducted in the multimedia auditorium, equipped with technical means for video conferencing, as well as presentation and interactive equipment. Laboratory works of students is planned in the laboratory of biological models with the vivarium.


Form of final assessment is a credit  test (pass/fail examination). The credit  test is conducted on the results of prepared projects.

Main literature

  1. Appendix a of the european convention for the protection of vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes (ets no.123) guidelines for accommodation and care of animals (article 5 of the convention) approved by the multilateral consultation-strasbourg. – 2006.
  2. Chatzigeorgiou A., Halapas A., Kalafatakis K., Kamper E. The use of animal models in the study of diabetes mellitus / In Vivo. – 2009. – V. 23. – N. 2. – P.245-258.
  3. CIOMS-ICLAS project to review the 1985 International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals. April 15, 2011. Comments Requested on 2011 Revised CIOMS Principles. Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare. April 20, 2011.
  4. Ewald R.W. The Physiologist's Ethical Dilemmas. News in Physiological Sciences - 2002. –V.17. – N. 1. – P. 43–46.
  5. ICLAS is an international scientific organization dedicated to advancing human and animal health.

Additional literature

  1. Bockamp E., Maringer M., Spangenberg C. et al. Of mice and models: improved animal models for biomedical research / Physiol Genomics.-2002.-V.11.-N.3. –P.115-132.
  2. Close B., Banister K., Baumans. et al. Recommendations for euthanasia of experimental animals /  Laboratory Animals. – 1996. – V. 30. –P.  293-316.
  3. Festing  M.F.W. Reduction of animal use: experimental design and quality of experiments / Laboratory Animals. – 1994. – V. 28. –P. 212-221.
  4. Hackbarth H., Kuppers N., Bohnet W. Euthanasia of rats with carbon dioxide - animal welfare aspects / Laboratory Animals. - 2000. – V. 34. P. 91-96.
  5. Hedrich H. The laboratory mouse / Academic Press. – 2005. – 656 p.

5.   International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects. Prepared by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) / CIOMS. -Geneva. -2002.

6.   International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals (CIOMS) (2012).

  1. King A.J. The use of animal models in diabetes research / Br. J.Pharmacol. -2012. –V. 166. – N. 3. – P. 877–894.
  2. Krinke G.J., Bullock G., Bunton T. The laboratory rat / Academic Press. – 2000.- 756 p.
  3.  Liu Y., Meyer C., Xu C. et al. Animal models of chronic liver diseases / Am. J. Physiol. Gastrointest Liver Physiol. -2013. –V. 304. –N. 5. – P.449–468.
  4.  Moghadasian MH. Experimental atherosclerosis: a historical overview / Life Sci. – 2002. – V.70. –N. 8. –P. 855–865.
  5.  Ostrander G., Bullock G., Bunton T. The laboratory fish / Academic Press. – 2000.- 678 p.
  6.  Rees D.A., Alcolado J.C. Animal models of diabetes mellitus / Diabet Med. -2005. – V.22. –N. 4. –P. 359-370.

13.         Sherwin C.M., Christiansen S.B., Duncan I.J.H. et al. Guidelines for the ethical use of animals in applied animal behaviour research / Applied. Animal Behaviour Science - 2003. V. 81. –P.  291-305.

14.         Smith J.A., FAR   van den Broek, Martorell J.C. et al. Principles and practice in ethical review of animal experiments across Europe: Summary of the FELASA Working Group on Ethical Evaluation of Animal Experiments / W.Lab.Anim. -2007. –V. 41. –P. 143-160.

  1.  The Development of Science-based Guidelines for Laboratory Animal Care: Proceedings of the November 2003 International Workshop. Proceedings of the November 2003 International WorkshopNational Research Council (US) Institute for Laboratory Animal Research.
  2.  Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2004. ISBN-10: 0-309-09302-3.
  3.  Xiangdong L., Yuanwu L., Hua Z. et al. Animal models for the atherosclerosis research: a review / Protein Cell. – 2011. –V. 2. –N. 3. –P.189-201.