Aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates identification and diversity

Level: Master

Semestre: 3rd


Working Hours: 
- Contact: 32
- Self-study: 76
- Total: 108

Language of Instruction: English

Andrei Babenko, PhD, Professor
- to give students knowledge about bio-diversity of terrestrial invertebrates;
- to acquaintance students with  methods of invertebrates identification.
Learning Outcomes:
To know:
- the main principles of terrestrial invertebrates taxonomy;
- the basics of zoological systematic;
- the methods of invertebrates identification in the field and laboratory conditions;
To be able:
- to use of knowledge in taxonomy for determination of principal groups of terrestrial invertebrates. 
Assessment Methods:
Student’s skills in this subject will be evaluated by means of presentations in the seminars, resuts of prictical works, written test and final examination.