Systematics and Phylogenetics

Level: Master

Semestre: 3rd


Working Hours: 
- Contact: 30
- Self-study: 78
- Total: 108

Language of Instruction: English

Marina V. Olonova, Prof. 
- This advanced systematics course will demonstrate the relationship between systematic and evolution,  will provide  methodological background of  phylogenetic systematics, an overview of the theory and practice of systematics.  It is supposed to  give the knowledge in theory and practice of taxonomy from one side , and  will give students a broad background on various species concepts and models of speciation from other side. This course is cover the  mechanism of adaptations, methods for determining and inferring species boundaries, and their distribution, methods for the construction and evaluation of evolutionary trees and methods of testing phylogenetic hypotheses.  Students will learn the application of the results of systematic studies in the areas of biogeography, speciation, coevolution, morphological evolution, biodiversity, and conservation.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should possess an understanding of the theoretical basis and methods of modern biological systematics and classification.